
Pre-Employment Drug Testing for Employers


DISA Global Solutions™ pre-employment testing helps companies maintain compliance and offers drug testing solutions to help you make the best, most informed employment decisions possible. Allowing you to stay ahead of the evolving demand of workplace substance abuse, DISA offers a higher standard of testing with industry-leading experts that help you along the way. With over 30 years of experience, DISA assists companies in making informed staffing decisions by providing an abundance of industry-leading drug and alcohol testing, compliance services, and background check options.


When an individual applies to a job they may be subject to a pre-employment drug test once a conditional offer of employment has been made. Pre-employment testing is the most common type of drug testing and is a way for employers to make the best hiring decisions possible. To ensure that an applicant is suitable for the position, especially those in a safety-sensitive working environment, pre-employment drug screening will proactively protect the company and its employees from the negative and potentially harmful effects of an employee that uses drugs on the job. Per a recent study from Current Consulting, the cost of abuse in a safety-sensitive industry is significantly higher than other industries. Their study put a cost to the employer of $50,000 per instance of employee substance abuse.

>> Click here to view DISA's "Cost of Drug Abuse Calculator" and the full whitepaper.

Benefits of Pre-Employment Testing

  • Decreased absenteeism
  • Fewer accidents
  • Improved productivity
  • Reduced turnover
  • Added protection for the company


Urinalysis – A urine test is the most common form of pre-employment drug testing and is typically conducted once a conditional offer of employment has been sent. Test results from urine samples can show traces of drug use even after the effects of the drug have worn off and remain in the body for an extended period of time. Typical drugs screened in a pre-employment urine drug test include marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines/methamphetamines, PCP, and opioids, with the option for employers to test for many additional substances. A urinalysis is the only method approved for federally-mandated testing and is often chosen for both regulated and non-regulated employees.

Hair Testing – Hair testing has a longer detection window for drug use spanning up to 90 days, according to Psychemedics, an industry leader in hair testing technology. It will not detect current use, only past, and does not detect alcohol. Common drugs tested for in a hair sample include methamphetamine, cocaine, marijuana, opioids, and PCP. A sample of 100 strands of hair cut close to the scalp is collected from the employee from an unnoticeable area of the head.

Oral Fluids – Oral fluid testing is 100% observed, making it difficult for employees to cheat, dilute, or adulterate the test. This test can also be collected on-site, reducing costs and time. Just like traditional testing methods, the window in oral fluid testing is different for each drug. Most significantly, oral fluid testing identifies recent usage and can detect as recently as 15 minutes after drug use. For most drugs, the detection window of oral fluid is about one to three days. The employee will be required to provide an oral fluid sample through a swab of the inside of their mouth.